Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Office sprinting

Nine riders and Coach Chris at the Office Campus working leading out and setting up sprints. It was very helpful to have Chris there to direct the practice. Chris was delayed and we attempted to self-organize but things really got going when he showed up.

The basic setup went as follows: two groups of three; two leadout and one sprinter, two riders were designated as pack filler, one rider was the spoiler, and Chris was on bike alongside. (I think that totals ten.) We went for one sprint per lap on the backside after the small incline followed by full regroup. Chris selected a different sprinter for each lap out of the two groups of three. From my viewpoint the best leadout was from Pete with Danny on the wheel for the sprint. Also from my view, the best I-don't-need-any-leadout sprint is still Schillinger. (By the way, if you want to beat him be ready to puke because the effort forced him to miss one lap to release a Cliff bar.)

If this group stays together we will definitely be a force at road races and crits. For now we are doing some things well but we do have plenty to practice and improve.


Danny Goodwin said...

James, I am sure I speak for the whole team when I say it was damn good to see you back on the bike after such a potentially devastating crash. It wasn't the same without our captain.

Here's hoping the remaining bit of your recovery is as astoundingly quick as the first.


eric said...

dear james,
you are the most durable bike rider i know.
your friend,