Wednesday, February 27, 2008

you can tell the seasons on its way when....

you are shaving your legs before you ride the trainer.

that's right, just to make my ride more authentic I shaved my legs before doing my work out today.

i'm not going to bore you with fancy shmancy power data, instead I'll just say this: white hairless legs in February make even less sense then they do in July.

until next time,


Indoor Threshold Work

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cat4 Training Ride #1

For Saturday or Sunday after the TT.

Friday, February 15, 2008

So you wanna be a Cat4?

Here is an interesting thread I started over on the wattage group.
I just wanted compare some of my training numbers from January and February to other Cat4s using power meters. Well, I am on the low end. Motivation anyone?

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Epic Winter Endurance Ride

Woof, a 300+ TSS training ride. My legs are cooked.
We started early to avoid the forecasted snow which almost worked. Approximately 25 miles from home the flurries started and pretty soon it was full on snow. It was kinda fun. Thank you Planet Bike for fenders.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Can you tell I've been doing base miles?

Here is a frequency distribution graph from the past 28 days of training. Looks like I have been spending some time in at endurance power (200-220 watts).